Let Jed Marcus of Marcus Attorneys know if you will join and who will come with you.
info@greenfgch.org or 718.643-6555
Start at Marcus Attorneys, 13 Greene Avenue.
The Full Story:
Among our many projects, Green Fort Greene & Clinton Hill is adding to our street trees and, now, nurturing the majestic trees which already line our streets. The trees have lodged a complaint – they are being choked by small tree pits and are pushing up sidewalk slabs so we take note. We are responding by enlarging the tree pits.
The result:
- Our trees will flourish. Trees will get more water and air, develop much stronger root systems and live longer. They will grow larger, reducing more carbon dioxide and provide more shade, making our summers
- More than a thousand gardens will bloom. Our neighbors will transform the expanded tree pits into beautifully planted gardens
- Improved water quality. Less storm water will run down the streets, picking up pollutants and requiring costly treatment.
Safer sidewalks. Most of the raised slabs will be cut out. Walking and wheeling will be less of a challenge.
Come rain or shine, Sunday at 13 Greene Avenue, between 9 and 1.
Green Fort Greene & Clinton Hill is a volunteer project reducing our contribution to global warming and cutting our use of non-renewable resources. It is sponsored by The Fort Greene Association.
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